Additional services for retirees in the Bay Area.
At Homes by La Rosa Realty California, we understand the unique needs of those who are retired and looking to transition to their new home. That’s why we’ve created a special program to assist them in selling their home and finding a safe and comfortable place to enjoy their retirement. We have a network of local experts, from handymen to moving companies and junk removal specialists, ensuring that their transition is smooth, quick, and hassle-free. Trust us to make their next step the best one. Contact us for more information!
Form a strategic alliance with us! We have made the entire process easier.
Our network is tailored to meet all your home needs with efficiency and excellence. Here’s what our partners offer:
Junk Removers:
Our partners, expert junk removal providers, handle every aspect of item pickup. They efficiently remove items from any location, disassemble them if needed, and are adept at tackling unique challenges such as lowering sofas from balconies.
Our partner movers companies specialize in seamless relocation services. They expertly handle the packing, loading, and transportation of your belongings, ensuring a smooth transition to your new location with professionalism and care.
Senior Relocation Services:
Our partner Senior Relocation Services are dedicated to assisting older adults in their moving process. They specialize in offering comprehensive solutions including downsizing, packing, and organizing, as well as empathetic support to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition to their new home or retirement community.
Our partner handymen services provide skilled and versatile craftsmen for a wide range of home repair and maintenance tasks. From fixing leaky faucets to assembling furniture, they are equipped to handle various odd jobs around your home with efficiency and reliability.
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